How, In The Era of Open Source Industry, 5 New Standards Create Profitable, Scaleable, and Accessible Shared Value...

In North America, we are defined by Who We Are and What We Do. Introducing The Distributed Model, a deep-dive into Infrastructure Economics, 2024

2023 presents the need for Communication Design to act as an agent for change. With AI on the rise—its becoming easier for us to create. Are we creating better communication, or more clutter?

Today we got off the phone with a potential client. They had a common concern surrounding the word "Brand." A word that's sought after, and equally gross, let's find out why Branding is so controversial.

Focused on distributed, equal, & fair forms of economy— we* employ a Co-Op model across every platform. Ultimately, we* believe this economy comes back to us*...

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Using Local* Semantics— we're constantly looking for agile and budding partners like *SAGA to help develop ethical and standards-driven forms of language. As leaders like Roundel have begun to mention concepts like intent—Local* continues to invest in building partnerships that ignite the pathways between data and decision-making.