The 5 New Standards Of Communal* Design

Local* Agency has been studying how these 5 New Standards effect our radically changing Creative & Ad/Marketing industry:

  • New Active Economies
  • New Agency Standards
  • New Language Brands
  • New Sustainable Missions
  • New Broadcast Media

The 5 New Standards have laid the groundwork for 4 years of dedicated observational research, field testing, and theory within and across Commonweal (2023) and Phil Lewis (2024). What Local* continues to find is that within the shifting sands of industry, both clients and team* integrations rely on refined processes, open-source techniques, and radically simple levels of access.

How we collectively find Shared Value, is relative. This relatively is broad and intertwines Brand and Product markets across all industries. Whereas the rolodex of cheap Marketing tricks and the overhead associated with big agencies no longer cuts it— this has left Brand and Product markets feeling adrift. Rudderless. Impact of this burden is felt across end-customers and our workforce equally. While clients and teams* remain hybrid, this problem has opened up new fields of study that provide windows of insight and invention into things like access, scale, and value.

Communal* Design

Operating within a much larger mission and vision—Local* studies the pipelines required to grow, sustain, and scale our 5 New Standards across client and team* operations. Who we are, how (where & when) we work, and what (and why) we create Brands and Products is relative. With the shift in economics, supply, demand, and need associated with the pandemic, best practices for Local* Services, Studios, and Agency have radically shifted. With this shift—role adoption, legal, accounting, communication, timelines, budgets, direction, and field application have all radically shifted.

By starting small and working from the inside out—Communal* Design focuses on bringing our 5 New Standards, into safe and profitable spaces of development as we set the course for mass-scale and general access.

Why Communal* Design Is Profitable (ROI)

What makes Communal* Design profitable is its ability to convert Shared Value into Shared ROI (Return On Investment) through Parallel Thinking. A concept defined in 2017 when observing how and Gitcoin simultaneously built separate infrastructures using shared Design Methodologies; Parallel Thinking encourages both client and team*  to operate in tandem (2+ outputs, 1 brain).

As time and capabilities march on (and with saved IP) — how these mechanisms of methodology are set up, how they operate, act, create, and share within each project, is what leads to repeatable areans of profitability. In 2017, tooling and open source applications (and thinking) was in its infancy. With advancements in open source tooling and platform development— software like Figma and Webflow hold vastly superior structures to support theories like Parallel Thinking, than in 2017.

An excerpt from notes taken, post Phil Lewis Signature Brand Campaign Release, September, 2024:

Parallel Thinking is achieved faster, with incredible sustainability, and proper Shared Value in 2024. With systemized admin and ops (Local* Services) — the handling of created safe spaces (Local* Studios) provides vital agency and access to shared project visions and return that provide both the client and team* members with shared incentive (ROI).

The Scalable Industry of Communal* Design

By working within more manageable arena's of scale; small and medium-size businesses ($1m - $10m/yr) offer greater access to systems change, agility, and faster turnover versus big business ($10m+). This means that areas of growth become apparent, faster, providing our 5 New Standards with the fuel and home necessary to uphold sustained scale and profitability achieved within Communal* Design. By starting small and focusing on theories like The Who* Model and The Who* Behind The Way— scale is re-rendered, from the inside out, using ROI as its key driver.

Market scalability of our 5 New Standards into Local* Services, Studios, and Agency by way of general industry (general access) is achieved through a Parallel Thinking mechanism that works with the relativity of each user (client and team*). This tool is being developed by Local*.

How Communal* Design Yields Growth

The entry point for growth, at scale, starts with shared access to value (Shared Value). Using our 5 Standards of Communal* Design, ROI no longer operates within a singular system or a client-only vacuum. This means that when clients find ROI, their linked team* does too.

Communal* Design works from the inside out, by reinforcing Omni-Directional Hierarchy (O-DH), and by working within our Core Operating Model (COM). Issuing horizontal, vertical, and variable forms of hierarchy (see diagram below) these versioned spaces provide the proper access for Shared Value to thrive within. When these forms of hierarchy, space, and value are mirrored, (by client and team*) they create a 6-sided model that operates under Parallel Thinking. The asterisk symbol of Local*, for example shows our 6-sided and completed Core Operating Model; a Kernel Model to version from. Each version of our COM provides hyper-relative scaleability:

©Local* LLC, The O-DH Model, (COM), 2022

The Omni-Directional Hierarchy (O-DH) Model has been placed (using relativity to client and team*) into  Commonweal, and Phil Lewis Signature Brand Core Operating Models:

©Commonweal, The SandTray Model (Versioned COM), 2023
©Phil Lewis Art, LLC, The Focus & Flow Model (Versioned COM), 2024

Versioning COM's To Provide Visual Scale

The Omni-Directional Hierarchy Model works from the inside out to version this shared value across our 5 New Standards by using Communal* Design to re-imagine Services, Studios, and Agency for each use-case.

Each COM is defined at project start. Providing a clear visual guide to the client and team*, versioned COM's like the O-DH Model unify project value by localizing a unique visual model that systemizes Parallel Thinking and Shared Value through Communal* Design methodologies. Operating from the inside out, means that all Branded Products builds hold equal (shared) forms of value as they scale across parallel forms of digital and physical communication. This localization of each COM further provides all users with local access that is relative to need—as the client and team* re-renders their Brand and Product values over time and space, this further shows that "Local* is relative."

What's Next For Communal* Design

Growth Studios* are centered around recreating universal scalability through Local* (from the inside out) problem-solving. What we've learned by working with small-to-medium size companies and organizations within our 5 New Standards is that the best work is created when ©Local* Services, Studios, and Agency are upheld. For Local*, we're excited about the prospects of scale equal to the importance of Shared Value. Whereas standard agency development is focused on protecting processes — Local* thrives on osmotic, co-operative development.

Local* is curious how we* can broaden our horizons passed "just" the Creative and Ad/Marketing industries. We look forward to pushing our models and strategies into much general access within public and private onboarding processes, into new fields like On-Chain Capital Allocation, and with city, civic, and municipal activation in mind.

Remember, change starts from the inside out, but it takes a village to raise a child.